Download Arelle red hat distribution from
Install Arelle:
- tar -zxvf arelle-redhat-x86_64-2014-12-31.tar.gz
Move into directory:
- cd arelle-redhat-x86_64-2014-12-31
run the following to verify & see help:
- ./arelleCmdLine -h
Usage: arelleCmdLine [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
FILENAME is an entry point, which may be an XBRL
instance, schema, linkbase file, inline XBRL instance,
testcase file, testcase index file. FILENAME may be a
local file or a URI to a web located file.
--username=USERNAME user name if needed (with password) for web file
--password=PASSWORD password if needed (with user name) for web retrieval
FILENAME is a list of files to import to the DTS, such
as additional formula or label linkbases. Multiple
file names are separated by a '|' character.
FILENAME is a second entry point when comparing
(diffing) two DTSes producing a versioning report.
FILENAME is the filename to save as the versioning
-v, --validate Validate the file according to the entry file type.
If an XBRL file, it is validated according to XBRL
validation 2.1, calculation linkbase validation if
either --calcDecimals or --calcPrecision are
specified, and SEC EDGAR Filing Manual (if --efm
selected) or Global Filer Manual disclosure system
validation (if --gfm=XXX selected). If a test suite or
testcase, the test case variations are individually so
validated. If formulae are present they will be
validated and run unless --formula=none is specified.
--calcDecimals Specify calculation linkbase validation inferring
--calcPrecision Specify calculation linkbase validation inferring
--efm Select Edgar Filer Manual (U.S. SEC) disclosure system
validation (strict).
Specify a disclosure system name and select disclosure
system validation. Enter --disclosureSystem=help for
list of names or help-verbose for list of names and
--hmrc Select U.K. HMRC disclosure system validation.
--utr Select validation with respect to Unit Type Registry.
--utrUrl=UTRURL Override disclosure systems Unit Type Registry
location (URL or file path).
--infoset Select validation with respect testcase infosets.
Language for labels in following file options
(override system settings)
Label role for labels in following file options
(instead of standard label)
Write DTS tree into FILE (may be .csv or .html)
--facts=FACTSFILE, --csvFacts=FACTSFILE
Write fact list into FILE
Columns for fact list file
Write fact table into FILE
--concepts=CONCEPTSFILE, --csvConcepts=CONCEPTSFILE
Write concepts into FILE
--pre=PREFILE, --csvPre=PREFILE
Write presentation linkbase into FILE
--cal=CALFILE, --csvCal=CALFILE
Write calculation linkbase into FILE
--dim=DIMFILE, --csvDim=DIMFILE
Write dimensions (of definition) linkbase into FILE
--formulae=FORMULAEFILE, --htmlFormulae=FORMULAEFILE
Write formulae linkbase into FILE
Write linkbase relationships for viewArcrole into
--viewFile=VIEWFILE Write linkbase relationships for viewArcrole into
Write defined role types into FILE
Write defined arcrole types into FILE
--testReport=TESTREPORT, --csvTestReport=TESTREPORT
Write test report of validation (of test cases) into
Columns for test report file
Write RSS report into FILE
Columns for RSS report file
--skipDTS Skip DTS activities (loading, discovery, validation),
useful when an instance needs only to be parsed.
Skip loading discovered or schemaLocated files
matching pattern (unix-style file name patterns
separated by '|'), useful when not all linkbases are
--logFile=LOGFILE Write log messages into file, otherwise they go to
standard output. If file ends in .xml it is xml-
formatted, otherwise it is text.
Logging format for messages capture, otherwise default
is "[%(messageCode)s] %(message)s - %(file)s".
--logLevel=LOGLEVEL Minimum level for messages capture, otherwise the
message is ignored. Current order of levels are
debug, info, info-semantic, warning, warning-semantic,
warning, assertion-satisfied, inconsistency, error-
semantic, assertion-not-satisfied, and error.
Regular expression filter for logLevel. (E.g., to not
match *-semantic levels,
Regular expression filter for log message code.
Specify parameters for formula and validation
Specify parameters separator string (if other than
Specify formula action: validate - validate only,
without running, run - validate and run, or none -
prevent formula validation or running when also
specifying -v or --validate. if this option is not
specified, -v or --validate will validate and run
formulas if present
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify showing times of variable set evaluation.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
--formulaVarsOrder Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula tracing.
Specify formula/assertion IDs to run, separated by a
'|' character.
--uiLang=UILANG Language for user interface (override system settings,
such as program messages). Does not save setting.
--proxy=PROXY Modify and re-save proxy settings configuration.
Enter 'system' to use system proxy setting, 'none' to
use no proxy, 'http://[user[:password]@]host[:port]'
(e.g.,,,, or 'show' to
show current setting, .
Specify internet connectivity: online or offline
Specify internet connection timeout in seconds (0
means unlimited).
Specify rechecking cache files (weekly is default)
Log info message for downloads to web cache.
Specify non-standard location for configuration and
cache files (overrides environment parameter
--plugins=PLUGINS Modify plug-in configuration. Re-save unless 'temp'
is in the module list. Enter 'show' to show current
plug-in configuration. Commands show, and module urls
are '|' separated: +url to add plug-in by its url or
filename, ~name to reload a plug-in by its name, -name
to remove a plug-in by its name, relative URLs are
relative to installation plug-in directory, (e.g.,
'+', '+C:\Program
Files\Arelle\examples\plugin\' to load,
or +../examples/plugin/ for relative use
of examples directory, ~Hello Dolly to reload, -Hello
Dolly to remove). If + is omitted from .py file
nothing is saved (same as temp). Packaged plug-in
urls are their directory's url.
--packages=PACKAGES Modify taxonomy packages configuration. Re-save
unless 'temp' is in the module list. Enter 'show' to
show current packages configuration. Commands show,
and module urls are '|' separated: +url to add package
by its url or filename, ~name to reload package by its
name, -name to remove a package by its name, URLs are
full absolute paths. If + is omitted from package
file nothing is saved (same as temp).
Provide non-standard archive manifest file name
pattern (e.g., *taxonomyPackage.xml). Uses unix file
name pattern matching. Multiple manifest files are
supported in archive (such as oasis catalogs).
(Replaces search for either .taxonomyPackage.xml or
--abortOnMajorError Abort process on major error, such as when load is
unable to find an entry or discovered file.
--showEnvironment Show Arelle's config and cache directory and host OS
environment parameters.
Collect profile statistics, such as timing of
validation activities and formulae.
start web server on host:port[:server] for REST and
web access, e.g., --webserver locahost:8080, or
specify nondefault a server name, such as cherrypy,
--webserver locahost:8080:cherrypy. (It is possible to
specify options to be defaults for the web server,
such as disclosureSystem and validations, but not
including file names.)
Store into XBRL DB. Provides connection string: host,
r|rdfDB}]]. Autodetects database type unless 7th
parameter is provided.
Load from XBRL DB. Provides connection string: host,p
|rdfDB}]]. Specifies DB parameters to load and
optional file to save XBRL into.
-a, --about Show product version, copyright, and license.
[ make sure you have installed python and pg8000 ] run:
- pip install pg8000
Creating the database:
Download database from here:
- wget --no-check-certificate
- su - postgres
- create database sec
- psql -h HOST -U USERNAME -d sec -a -f xbrlSemanticPostgresDB.ddl
Add plugins:
see all installed plugins:
- ./arelleCmdLine --plugins show
[info] Plug-in modules: -
[info] Plug-in: XBRL Database; author: Mark V Systems Limited; version: 0.9; status: enabled; date: 2014-12-09T04:41:53 UTC; description: This plug-in implements the XBRL Public Postgres, Abstract Model and DPM Databases. ; license Apache-2 (Arelle plug-in), BSD license (pg8000 library). - xbrlDB
Install plugin xbrlDB:
- ./arelleCmdLine --plugins +xbrlDB
[info] Addition of plug-in XBRL Database successful. - xbrlDB
Scrape, parse and populate SEC filing data into DB:
- ./arelleCmdLine -f -v --store-to-XBRL-DB "HOST,5432,usrname,password,sec,120,pgSemantic"
This will download latest 100 SEC filings and store tag based xbrl data at database HOST:5432/sec
To download,parse and store all SEC filing for a single month say 2016 January we can simple run:
- ./arelleCmdLine -f
- -v --store-to-XBRL-DB "HOST,5432,username,password,sec,120,pgSemantic"
Say for a single company central index key 0001372183 the following query will get all tag based financial information:
- select distinct period.end_date from aspect,data_point,period,entity_identifier where aspect.aspect_id=data_point.aspect_id and data_point.report_id=entity_identifier.report_id and period.period_id=data_point.period_id and entity_identifier.identifier='0001372183';
dei_EntityFilerCategory,Smaller Reporting Company,2015-12-01
dei_EntityRegistrantName,"Monaker Group, Inc.",2015-12-01
Full Output File:
Here is a list of all us-gaap tags with descriptions:
Cleaning up:
By default arelle puts every downloaded filings at:
Sp periodically you may need cleaning up:
- rm -rf /root/.config/arelle/cache/*
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