Making Windows Command Prompt more linux like

Here I'm trying to keep a list of mostly used command line tools available under windows .
Below is a list of tools that can be put to use via command prompt and most of unix tools for writing automated scripts on Windows.

Install chocoletey:

chocoletey is a yum and apt-get like CLI tool for install new software on your machine but  for windows. With chocoletey( you just type 'choco install jdk' and you will have java installed.
On windows 7 just run this on your command prompt:
  1. @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Make sure you have run cmd as administrator (elevated):

Now you have the ultimate command line installer installed. :)
With chocoletey any tool you install just run :

  1. refreshenv

to instantly use in your current command prompt window.

Install git :

While installing git from just select "Use Git and optional Unix tools from the windows command prompt":

This way you will have lots of unix command line tools available in your command prompt.
Make sure to select MINGW32 for using in Git-Bash during installation.

Install GNU core-utils for windows:

Install GNU core utils for windows

Install ps tools:
pstools has some usefull CLI tools like psexec & many others
Install gtools:

Install gtools from

gtools has some usefull CLI tools like pathed & many others ( See )

Install Gcal , a tool to print calendar on console & have same functionality as Unix_Cal
( )
Install bc , a command line calculator that lets do floating point calculations on command prompt

Still missing 'clear' & 'pwd':

Run this code on your cmd:
  1. echo cls > %WINDIR%\system32\clear.bat
you will have unix clear  on your command prompt.
Download this file from :
and place it on your system directory:(C:\WINDOWS\system32).
If you have already installed wget with chocoletey then just run the follwing commands on your command prompt:
  1. cd c:
  2. cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
  3. wget --no-check-certificate

Download and install UnxUtils from
It has lotta useful utilities like du.

Download and install
It has lotta useful tools like df

Download and install Putty Installer from
make sure to add environment variable:
  1. setx /m PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY"

It has lotta useful tools like pscp,putty,plink etc

Download and install nmap
it has lotta network utilities like nmap, npcap, ncat, ndiff, nping

Download and install util-linux-ng
it has lotta tools like col, colcrt, colrm, ddate, getopt, hexdump, line, rename, rev, taiff

In Command Prompt you dont get to copy & paste convenient enough. But fortunately in Git-Bash you copy and paste with ctrl+inst and shift+inst.

I am trying maintaining a list of all command-line tools available for windows & trying to make the list as much as comprehensive as possible.
Feel free to add comment if you believe I am missing any more tool :)

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