Java Big Integer Cheatsheet

In competitive programming contests, many of the contestants use C++.

C++ STL(Standard Template Library) provides lots of of algorithms and containers.

But STL doesn't have the following very important features :

                           1.Library functions for Big numbers (Integers & real numbers)

                           2.Library functions for geometric shapes(lines,polygons,rectangles etc)

Contestants use prewritten templates to solve the problems related to big numbers and Geometry.
But, this can be time consuming and may cause typing errors requiring extra time for debugging.

This article is about JAVA library functions, built-in functions are not a must but can help quick coding and simplified debugging :

java.math.BigInteger :

Initialization (with constructors):


 BigInteger bignum=new BigInteger("46767346456456464563464");  

   /* Initialize a big integer 'bignum'       with 46767346456456464563464 */

BigInteger bignum=new BigInteger("1011100101",2);

/* Initialize a binary big integer 'bignum' with 1011100101 */

BigInteger bignum=new BigInteger("30456723456",8);

/* Initialize an octal big integer 'bignum' with 30456723456 */

BigInteger bignum=new BigInteger("16AFGH2",16);
/* Initialize an hexadecimal big integer 'bignum' with 16AFGH2 */
/*bases are from 2 to 36 A-Z is used for 10 to 36*/

byte[] bytes={1,0,1,1};

BigInteger bignum=new BigInteger(bytes);

  /* Initialize a big integer 'bignum' with a byte array 'bytes' whereas


Constants :


BigInteger.ONE        //Represents 1 e.g.  bignum = BigInteger.ONE;

BigInteger.ZERO        //Represents 0 e.g.  bignum = BigInteger.ZERO;

BigInteger.TEN        //Represents 10 e.g.  bignum = BigInteger.TEN;

Member Functions :


 BigInteger     abs()           

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is the absolute value of this  BigInteger.

e. g. bignum=bignum2.abs();


 BigInteger     add(BigInteger val)                         

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this + val).

e. g. bignum = bignum1.add(bignum2);

 BigInteger     and(BigInteger val)          

 /* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this & val).

e. g. bignum = bignum1.and(bignum2);

 BigInteger     andNot(BigInteger val)                   

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this & ~val).

e. g. bignum = bignum1.andNot(bignum2);

 int                  bitCount()                     

 /* Returns the no. of bits in the 2's complement representation of this BigInteger that differ from its sign bit.

e. g. int a = bignum.bitCount(); */

 int                 bitLength()                

/* Returns the number of bits in the minimal two's-complement representation of this BigInteger, excluding a sign bit.

BigInteger b=new BigInteger("367544565567");

int a =b.bitLength();


 BigInteger     clearBit(int n)                          

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit cleared.
Returns a big integer by clearing the nth bit counting from te right , starting from 0 e.g.

            BigInteger b=new BigInteger("12");

 int  compareTo(BigInteger val)        

/* Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger.

e. g. int a=bignum.compareTo(bignum2)

a= -1 if , bignum<bignum2
a= 0 if , bignum=bignum2
a= 1 if , bignum>bignum2  */

 BigInteger  divide(BigInteger val)           

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this / val).

            BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("12");
            BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("5");
            BigInteger[] c=b1.divide(b2);
            System.out.println("Result :" + c);


 BigInteger[]   divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val)    

      /* Returns an array of two BigIntegers containing //(this / val) followed by (this % val). e. g.

            BigInteger b1=new BigInteger("12");
            BigInteger b2=new BigInteger("5");
            BigInteger[] c=b1.divideAndRemainder(b2);
            System.out.println("Result :" + c[0]);
            System.out.println("Remainder :" + c[1]);

 double         doubleValue()                                                               

/* Converts this BigInteger to a double.

e. g. double d = b.doubleValue();


 BigInteger      flipBit(int n) 

   /* Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit (the nth bit counting from te right , starting from 0 ) flipped.

 BigInteger     gcd(BigInteger val)

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is the greatest common divisor of abs(this) and abs(val)

e. g.   BigInteger r = bignum1.gcd(bignum2);


 int               getLowestSetBit()            

/* Returns the index of the rightmost (lowest-order) one bit in this BigInteger (the number of zero bits to the right of the rightmost one bit).  e. g.

            BigInteger b=new BigInteger("4500");

System.out.println("Decimal : "+b.toString(10));
System.out.println("Binary : "+b.toString(2));
System.out.println("Lowest Set Bit : "+b.getLowestSetBit());

Decimal : 4500
Binary : 1000110010100
Lowest Set Bit : 2

 int          intValue()                                                          

 /* Converts this BigInteger to an int. e.  g.

int a = bignum.intValue();


 boolean     isProbablePrime(int certainty)  

 /* Returns true if this BigInteger is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.

The certainty is a measure of the uncertainty that the caller is willing to tolerate: if the call returns true the probability that this

BigInteger is prime exceeds (1 - 1/(2^certainty)).

The execution time of this method is proportional to the value of this parameter. e. g.

BigInteger bignum = new BigInteger("1000000000000");
boolean res = bignum.isProbablePrime(7);


 long      longValue()

 /* Converts this BigInteger to a long. e.  g.

long a = bignum.longValue();


 BigInteger   max(BigInteger val)

 /*  Returns the maximum of this BigInteger and val.

e. g.  BigInteger mx = bignum.max(bignum2);


BigInteger   min(BigInteger val)

 /*  Returns the minimum of this BigInteger and val.

e. g.  BigInteger mn = bignum.min(bignum2);


 BigInteger   mod(BigInteger m)  

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this mod m). */

 BigInteger   modInverse(BigInteger m)

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this-1 mod m). */

 BigInteger   modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m)

/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this exponent mod m). */

 BigInteger   multiply(BigInteger val)
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this * val). */

 BigInteger   negate() 
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (-this). */

 BigInteger   nextProbablePrime()
/* Returns the first integer greater than this BigInteger that is probably prime. */

BigInteger     not()                                                                   // Returns a /*BigInteger whose value is (~this).*/

 BigInteger     or(BigInteger val)
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this | val).

  BigInteger     pow(int exponent)                                  
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (thisexponent).*/

# BigInteger     probablePrime(int bitLength, Random rnd)      
/* Returns a positive BigInteger that is probably prime, with the specified bitLength.*/

 BigInteger     remainder(BigInteger val)                           
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this % val).*/

 BigInteger     setBit(int n)                                          
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit set.*/

 BigInteger     shiftLeft(int n)                                              
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this << n).*/

 BigInteger     shiftRight(int n)                   
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this >> n).*/

 int              signum()                                                         
/* Returns the signum function of this BigInteger.*/

 BigInteger      subtract(BigInteger val)                                
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this - val).*/

 boolean        testBit(int n) 
/* Returns true if and only if the designated bit is set.*/

 byte[]         toByteArray()                                    
/* Returns a byte array containing the two's-complement representation of this BigInteger.*/

 String          toString()                                  
/* Returns the decimal String representation of this BigInteger.*/

 String          toString(int radix)                  
/* Returns the String representation of this BigInteger in the given radix.*/

#BigInteger       valueOf(long val)                           
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is equal to that of the specified long.*/

 BigInteger     xor(BigInteger val)                                                      
/* Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this^val) */

# :-> static Members

UVa Problems , solved using these functions :-

                                495 Fibonacci Freeze

                                 568 Just The Facts

                                 623 500!

                                 10220 I Love Big Numbers!

                                 10334 Ray Through Glasses

                                 11161 Help My Brother!

                                 10023 Square Root

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