Install pycharm 4 EAP on CentOS 6 Script(.sh)

    1. cd /usr/local/
    2. #download pycharm EAP 4
    3. wget
    4. tar xf pycharm-professional-139.113.tar.gz
    5. rm pycharm-professional-139.113.tar.gz
    6. #Make sure that root has permissions all the way through the unzipped directory
    7. chown -R root:root pycharm-professional-139.113/
    8. cd pycharm-professional-139.113/bin/
    9. #script to run start IDE conveniently
    10. echo "sh /usr/local/pycharm-professional-139.113/bin/" > /usr/local/pycharm-professional-139.113/bin/
    11. chmod 777 /usr/local/pycharm-professional-139.113/bin/
    12. ln -s /usr/local/pycharm-professional-139.113/bin/ /usr/bin/pycharm
    13. #lets run
    14. echo "Just type 'pycharm' n run :)"
    15. pycharm

Install & run IntelliJ 14 Ultimate EAP on CentOS 6 Script(.sh)

  1. cd /usr/local/
  2. #download intellij eap 14 ultimate
  3. wget
  4. tar xf ideaIU-139.144.2.tar.gz
  5. rm ideaIU-139.144.2.tar.gz
  6. #Make sure that root has permissions all the way through the unzipped directory
  7. chown -R root:root idea-IU-139.144.2/
  8. cd idea-IU-139.144.2/bin/
  9. #script to run start IDE conveniently
  10. ln -s /usr/local/idea-IU-139.144.2/bin/ /usr/bin/intellij
  11. #lets run
  12. intellij

Git : commit all changes in current directory tree and push to default repository from terminal

  1. #see current changes
  2. git satus
  3. #add changed things to local repo
  4. git add -A
  5. #commit all changes
  6. git commit -a
  7. #see remote repo
  8. git remote
  9. #send to remote repo
  10. git push

Getting started with playframework with java on CentOS

  1. #Install play framework
  2. #Move to tmp folder
  3. cd /tmp

  4. #Download latest Typesafe Activator
  5. wget
  6. #Unzip it
  7. unzip
  8. rm

  9. #Move unzip folder activator-1.2.10 to /opt
  10. mv activator-1.2.10 /opt
  11. #Create soft symbolic link from /opt/activator-1.2.10/activator to /usr/local/sbin/activator
  12. ln -s /opt/activator-1.2.10/activator /usr/local/sbin/activator
  13. #Try to run activator
  14. activator

  15. #see version
  16. activator --version

  17. #create a helloworld app
  18. #create new app using activator
  19. cd /usr/local/
  20. activator new my-first-app play-java
  21. #here we are using play-java template
  22. #run the helloworld app
  23. cd my-first-app/
  24. #you must go to the created project directory
  25. #run helloworld project
  26. activator run
  27. #browse to http://localhost:9000
  28. curl http://localhost:9000

  29. #See a page saying : 'Your new application is ready...Welcome to play! :)'

  30. #Development:
  31. #generate eclipse project files
  32. activator eclipse

  33. #cleaning
  34. #Do activator clean or
  35. activator clean-files