Windows : Install Gradle Batch Script(*.BAT)

  1. c:
  2. cd c:\
  3. mkdir gradle
  4. cd gradle
  5. wget --no-check-certificate
  6. unzip
  7. rm -f
  8. cd gradle-2.14
  9. cd bin
  10. setx PATH "%PATH%;%cd%"
  11. refreshenv
  12. gradle --version

Please make sure you have installed choletey and GNU unix-utils for Windows and go theough this article if you dont have any of above commands preinstalled :

Batch(*.bat) Script : Install Spring-Boot CLI on Windows 7

  1. mkdir C:\spring
  2. cd C:\spring
  3. C:
  4. wget --no-check-certificate

    REM "Latest version = 2.7.3.RELEASE . So, url should work."
  5. unzip spring-boot-cli-1.1.4.RELEASE-bin
  6. rm -f
  7. cd spring-1.1.4.RELEASE
  8. setx SPRING_HOME "%cd%"
  9. refreshenv
  10. cd bin
  11. setx PATH "%PATH%;%cd%"
  12. refreshenv
  13. spring --version

Please make sure you have installed choletey and GNU unix-utils for Windows and go theough this article if you dont have any of above commands preinstalled :